Korean Building

Publié le par bgardereau

Voila ce qui actuellement se fait de mieux en Appartement à Séoul, cela laisse à réfléchir !DSC 0067   
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<br /> Hi, this is PCNB (Presidential Council on Nation Branding). How have you been doing? We’ve been sending WSK Newsletters and other announcements on a regular basis, but it seems that not too many of<br /> you are checking emails. The email regarding the invitation to the musical “Sachoom” (scheduled Feb. 24) doesn’t seem to have reached many of you either. It’s regretful that just a few will be<br /> watching that wonderful musical. We are planning a cultural tour sometime in March, so please keep your eyes out for the announcement. Also, we are going to make more frequent visits to your blogs<br /> and check your postings. So, make sure you keep up with your blogging activities. If you have any questions or messages for us, feel free to contact! (mkshin@koreabrand.go.kr / 02-2280-2778)<br /> <br /> <br />