Seoul is ...

Publié le par bgardereau

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<br /> Hey bro, what's up? Hope you're doing well. Looks like Seoul is a tremendous city with beautiful landscapes and plenty of bars and night clubs. I want to visit you, you owe me a round with gorgeous<br /> girl. Need to learn how to make good pics, seems a good place buddy.<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Bertrand you seem to have great time in Seoul!! I will definitely plan to go in South Korea!! Will ask you some information later!! See you and enjoy your last days!!!<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Séoul it seems a straightforwardly too much mortal city! I will go to reserve my plane ticket immediately :D<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> che Beber, todo bien? Acabo de ver tus fotos, parece sarpado el lugar. Mira te hago una llamada y armamos una vuelta para ahi, donde estas. Un abrazo de gol, chau amigo<br /> <br /> <br />